Data Protection

Bank W Personal Data Protection Policy

The Treatment will consist of collecting, storing, using, circulating, deleting, processing, compiling, exchanging, processing, updating and disposing of the data that have been supplied to Banco W and which have been incorporated in the databases of The Banco W , as well as any other use according to the current regulations and the authorization given for the Treatment by the Holder of the information.
Botón politica de protección de datos personales Banco W.
Botón tratamiento de datos personales web

Law 1581 on the authorization for the processing of personal data

In order to comply with the provisions of article 10 of Ordinance 1377 of 2013, regulating Law 1581 of 2012 “By which general provisions for the protection of personal data”,Banco W (NIT 900378212-2) as responsible Of the processing of personal data obtained through its different channels before June 27, 2013 requests its clients and users, and in general, any person holding personal data that has been a user of the services provided at Banco W , Your authorization to continue with the processing of your personal data according to the Privacy Policies for the treatment of personal data available for consultation on the website

The information and personal data provided to Banco W may be processed, collected, stored, used, circulated, deleted, shared, updated, transmitted and / or transferred, including sensitive data in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy above As applicable, mainly to enable the rendering of their services, for reports to control and surveillance authorities, as well as for administrative, collection, commercial and publicity purposes and contact with the owners of said services.

In addition, as holder of the data and in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, you may exercise your rights at any time, in particular: to know the information, to request the update, rectification and / or deletion or Revoking the consent granted for the processing of personal data, via the electronic mail, through the national attention line 018000 515656 or in Cali to the telephone number 5240102.

In the event that within thirty (30) business days from the date of publication of this notice, persons appearing registered in any of the databases operated by Banco W do not request the deletion of their personal data, Banco W will understand that it has been authorized to continue processing the same. All in accordance with the provisions of number 4 of article 10 of Decree 1377 of 2013